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Exploitative Systems Synonyms And Definitions

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Exploitative Systems: Synonyms and Definitions

Exploitative System Synonym

Exploitative system usually refers to a system that takes advantage of others for its own benefit. Here are 14 synonyms for exploitative system:

  • Oppressive system
  • Abusive system
  • Unjust system
  • Tyrannical system
  • Exploitation system
  • Predatory system
  • Parasitic system
  • Corrupt system
  • Unfair system
  • Biased system
  • Discriminatory system
  • Dehumanizing system
  • Societies created by the ruling class for their own benefit
  • Systems that perpetuate inequality

Exploitative System Definition

An exploitative system can take many forms, including:

  • Political systems that suppress dissent and deny basic rights
  • Economic systems that create extreme inequality and poverty
  • Social systems that marginalize and discriminate against certain groups

The effects of exploitative systems can be devastating, leading to social unrest, violence, and human suffering.

